Monday, December 26, 2005

Kerstmis in Hingene

We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you Merry Christmas....and a Happy New Year!

Na 6 maanden, stapte ik terug het vliegtuig op om Kerstmis te vieren aan de andere kant van de oceaan..
Het was fantastisch om iedereen, familie en vrienden terug te zien!

En ons Nolwenn was in form... Ik heb er zo naar uitgekeken om samen met haar te spelen en te tekenen... Dikke kussen van den tonton.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Maggie's visit

Party time in New York! The last month of 2005 was all about hard work, and ... hard play in New York. In order to help me celebrate a great 11 months, I had the pleasure of Maggie paying me a visit in Stamford. And what a good time we had!

This was going to be a 'Sex and the City' type of weekend. And Maggie started it in style, having a glass of wine when she arrived in New York Grand Central station. Well, it was not going to be the last glass of wine during this weekend, and I would join in from now.

After settling in and overcoming jetlag, we went for a few drinks in one of the locals in Stamford on Friday evening, to start of one of the nicest weekends since I moved here.

Saturday we moved slowly to Manhattan, to check into our hotel, near Rockefeller plaza. Dropping our bags at the hotel, we walked around in Central Park. The scenery was gorgeous as it had snowed heavily the day before. Maggie, dressed in a designer red coat (everyone thinks it's gorgeous Maggie!), and me with a polar hat, managed to get through a cold winter afternoon. After walking around for a few hours, we could not resist the temptation of going into a few shops on Fifth Avenue. For mysterious reasons, we spend more time than healthy in a particular store...

Anyway, after spending way too much money (by myself that is), we went back to our hotel to get ready for a night out in, not Brussels or Dublin, but Manhattan! Woo-hoo!!

We had booked ourself a cute little restaurant in the Meat packing district. It was great..good food, and even better company! In style, we started with the traditional cocktail, followed by a lovely meal, with wine and liquor afterwards.

After dinner, we stepped into the night and visited numerous bars and clubs. Especially the one at the penthouse of hotel, overviewing New Jersey and Manhattan took our breath away.
For censorship reasons, there will be no pictures posted on the site of that lovely evening.. But let's say we only got back at 4am and the day after was rough!

Sunday was further spend at walking around and shopping! But we then had to go back to Stamford...

The following day, Maggie went back into the city to further explore the city and go to museums.
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and Maggie went back home on Tuesday..

Thanks Maggie for a great weekend. I had a splendid time!! You're always welcome at my place.
Big hug,

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Thanksgiving and Christmas in New York

De 'holidays' zijn begonnen. Vorige week, zat iedereen aan tafel voor de kalkoen op Thanksgiving na de parade in NY. De kerstboom op Rockefeller Plaza is verlicht en versierd! Het officiele begin van de kerstperiode. Het is ontzettend druk dezer dagen in the city. Iedereen wil kom kijken naar de kerstboom, de ijsring, en de spectaculaire etalages.