6 months after "Marie-Rose and Hendrik go New York part 2", episode 3 was filmed. This time, the setting was Connecticut and Florida in the spring time. And of course, the highlight of the visit was my birthday..

But before we get to that, let's go and visit Florida.

Unfortunately Els and Danny were not at their beautiful house at Sarasota. Nevertheless, we enjoyed our stay at St Pete's beach, at the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. As you can see from the pictures, the water was gorgeously blue...and warm as well. I could even tempt my mom to join me for a dive in the sea (no pictures to prove it though).
But all good things must come to an end, and after 3 days, we took our Jetblue flight back to Stamford. By the way, Jetblue is so cool..you can watch live television on the plane. (I am becoming way too American!)

Anyway, back home, I had to head back to work, while my parents explore New York and Stamford. However, it will be a nice week. As a birthday present I only had to work till 2 pm. Monday is a public holiday, so in order to avoid heavy traffic, we can leave a bit earlier the Friday before. Perfect timing!

After a nice swim in the pool (it opened that day!), my parents, Javi and I are going for a nice meal in Stamford, to celebrate my 32nd birthday, and a great visit from my parents. A few drinks later, we wonder back to the apartment.
And another 10 days have flown by, and it's time to say goodbye again..